School of Religion – Grades K-7


Parents are the initial Teachers of Faith to their children. They learn the most from the example you set.  From September to May we offer additional Catechesis (teaching) for your children. A dedicated Catechist (teacher) for each grade will guide your child/children to grow in the Catholic Faith.

Classes meet in person Sundays 10:00-11:00 am.

2024-2025 Calendar

Grades K-4: Follows the Blest are We/Faith in Action series focusing on God’s Love & The Church.

Grade 2:  In addition to SOR. 1st Reconciliation (Penance) & 1st Communion (Eucharist) will be prepared for and celebrated. Please visit the Sacraments tab above for more information.

Grade 5: Focuses on the Old Testament which leads to a look at the New Testament and the similarities in both. As well as developing an appreciation and respect for how our traditions originated.

Grade 6-7:  Follows the Blest are We-Faith in Action series focusing on the Story of Jesus.

Please contact Helen with questions at or 585-671-2100.

Thank you for being the most essential component in helping to build your child’s faith!


Registration and Payment

To register online, simply fill out the form below. Or click the green "SOR Registration" button for a form you can print, fill out at home and mail in with a check payable to St. Paul's Church (please add SOR in memo line), 783 Hard Road.

SOR registration

Click the blue "make payment" button below to pay online.
Fees are Grades K-7: $60 per child, $140 family max.

    Child’s name*:

    Parent’s name*:

    Grade in September:


    Birth Date:

    Baptism Date:

    Church of Baptism:

    Please list any allergies or special concerns below:

    Please add any additional comments or details:

    To verify you're human, please write the code STPAUL in this box:

    The 2021 Catholic Courier Coloring Contest

    Voting has begun!  Click here to go to the Courier page to view the entries in each age group.  Voting lasts until December 10.


    SOR Thanksgiving Service Project

    October 26 through November 9

    We are collecting non-perishable food items
    and toiletries for HOPE House.

    Please place your donations in the basket in the School of Religion hallway. Thank you for your generosity!